
☆ To MY Special SomeOne ☆

→I want to make you smile as you make me.
I wish you saw my thoughts right through my eyes.
You ask me what I'm thinking. I can't tell you.
You are the stars, and I the empty skies.
In me there is a yearning ever flowing
That needs to reach an end that never comes.
I cannot be myself without you with me.
This is a truth no wisdom ever plumbs.

You laugh, and say that I'm your personal angel,
And this is what I want so much to be.
The beauty of my life is like a passion
That blows right through the person that you see.←

※Let me be the bandage for your bleeding;
Let me be the ocean for your tears.
Let me be the secret of your healing;
Let me be the song to still your fears.
Love isn't love that cannot love in darkness,
Nor is it love that turns away from pain;
Nor would I love would I not hold your sadness
And with my love your love of life sustain.

So do not think your malady a burden,
And do not think my willingness deceit.
Just let your sorrow flow into my garden,
And I will share with you the harvest sweet.※

#Love is patient with a life
That brings its share of pain.
We know sometime there is an end
To the most stubborn rain.
We know the sun comes out again
On a world that's fresh and new,
And all the gifts we freely give
Somewhere, sometime accrue.

We know sometimes we have to wait
For life to come around,
And sometimes that it won't, but still
There's some good to be found.

And even when things happen that
Your soul can hardly bear,
Know that I'll be next to you;
My love is always there.#

◇Sometimes a sacrifice or two comes easy:
Love's a very generous reward.
Two people are in equal need quite rarely,
So one becomes the tune and one the chord.
Today I feel immeasurably lucky
To celebrate with you this milestone.
The music in my heart is very lovely.
I watch you from below, but not alone.
I'll always be exactly where you want me,
As I have faith that you will be for me.
No missing paradise will ever haunt me,
For you and I will share our melody.
I'm proud of what you've done and what you'll do.
No one could be more blessed than I with you.◆

